Organization Introduction
寬橋 Brobridge 成立於 2016 年,團隊成員專精於各主流系統,已取得 VMware, RedHat, SUSE, AWS, Kubernetes 各項專業認證,並榮獲Kubernetes官方組織 CNCF 認可之 KCSP (Kubernetes Certified Service Partner)國際認證,團隊成員曾參與 Google Doc 系統開發並貢獻 LXDE 系統於 Raspberry Pi,全球用戶超過 2500 萬;並曾參與各式大型雲端建置,台灣各大型私有雲及雲端系統管理專案。
我們強調在微服務(MicroService)與 Kubernetes 相關產品開發,以及資料中心及雲端基礎架構設計,尤以微服務、虛擬化、雲端自動化為核心技術能力,建構貼近客戶所需的商品及服務,尤其是在發展微服務初期最需要的讀寫分離(CQRS)與分散式交易(Distributed Transaction Management),旨在提升客戶的整體商業價值,並提供即時支援服務,協助企業進行數位轉型進而面對變化多端的市場挑戰。
Brobridge Co., Ltd (BROBRIDGE), which was established in 2016, initially focused on IT & Technology business. BROBRIDGE currently focuses on the core business of IT & Cloud, especially 'Micro Service', 'Cloud Automation' and related professional consulting and implementation end-to-end services. BROBRIDGE has successfully consulted and implemented the billion base project with professional techniques in Taiwan. BROBRIDGE has integrated application platforms to provide a comprehensive solution program, system planning, consultation, and customer end-to-end service. BROBRIDGE also has a R&D team from opensource community, the past successful project is LXDE(Raspberry Pi Default OS), and involve the early stage's Google Docs development.